Raising Awareness – Who’s On-Board

Mental health awareness is growing. Our mental health is essential as it governs every part of our life and influences our physical health immensely. Effective Self-care (not self-soothing) helps promote our wellbeing and mental healthiness in the same way that healthy living helps us physically.

Without a 2nd thought, we’d share with that we’re feeling tired, have a headache or are feeling something physical. We’re much less likely to share that we’re feeling unconfident, anxious or low – well at present at least. I imagine we’ll look back in years to come and wonder why mental health was such a stigmatised and taboo subject.

From businesses having awareness days to the highest profile public figures such as Prince William and Harry, this vital area is rightfully being acknowledged at last.  Last summer, Ariana Grande spoke and her panic attacks and this link takes us to an article about some celebrities who also normalise mental health issues.  This normalising is in process and has been in process over many years.  Working in mental health, I can recall the pioneering radio and television adverts from the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy that started about 10 years ago.

I came across the following article on the BBC website ‘Mental health: Expert tips on tackling anxiety and depression’ which asked experts to answer the most commonly asked queries such as ‘Why don’t men ask for help’ and ‘How to support someone who is self-harming’. Have a read and a share, repost, shout it loud. Promoting mental health is actually good for our mental health as it encourages us to think more about our own wellbeing and promotes a communal sense of it being ok to talk about.

Regards, Duncan

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