Where are you on the Cycle of Change?

Your Therapy is about creating the Lasting Change that you desire, however, you need to be ready to do this – are you ready for Action? 

In Pre-Contemplation the person does not acknowledge a problem exists. They are ‘uninformed’ in the sense that no personally convincing reason for change has been presented as yet.  

In Contemplation the person is ambivalent – they are in two minds about what they want to do. Sometimes they feel the need to change but not always. 

Once you’ve made the Decision, we can work together to ensure your Action has the results you want.  

Action is about preparing and planning for change. How will you make this change?  What support do you need?  Who will you tell?  What needs to happen to help you move forward?  

In Maintenance the change has been integrated into the person’s life. Some support may still be needed through this stage. In maintenance lasting change is learned, practised and becomes possible. As we continue to maintain our desired state, we gain psychological rewards for our work as opposed to wanting to move back to our old ways.  When we are able to maintain what we have achieved we exit the cycle entirely. 

Lapse is a temporary return to ‘old’ unhelpful thoughts, feelings or behaviours.  This may be being tempted to have 1 cigarette. 

Relapse is a full return to the old behaviour.

Lapse and Relapse are viewed as intrinsic to the Cycle Of Change and do not infer failure. It does not mean that lapse or relapse is desirable or even invariably expected. It simply means that change is difficult, and it is unreasonable to expect anyone to be able to modify a habit perfectly unwanted thoughts or slips. This is why, Your Therapy is thorough and tailored to you to ensure Your Change is successful and is as easy as possible.

 Go to ‘Your Stop Smoking Therapy’ Now for more information